Thursday, April 2, 2009

cleaning lady part two.

after hearing about my cleaning lady experience last week, one of my student's aunts offered me her cleaning lady for a day. it was such a great offer on so many levels - i already knew she was a decent cleaner and knows how to clean in a "not-dominican" way (the family is korean, the cleaner is haitian) and she was offered as a gift. a free day of cleaning!

still, i was a little skeptical. her spanish is limited and my creole is crap when it comes to household things (i have no clue how to say bleach in creole. french, yes, creole, no). i was worried she wasn't going to get my instructions. they seem simple to me, but you never know.

she's been here 2 hours. i took samil to play with the neighbor for awhile and when i came down, she had torn the whole kitchen apart, scrubbed the stove AND the greasy mess on the cabinets next to the over. she organized the one closet samil plays in, did the dishes and was "just wondering" about if i needed the inside of the fridge cleaned.

needless to say, i'm impressed. and happy. i'm going to take a little nap since samil is sleeping and i'm exhausted (hacking away at that to-do list kept us up late last night fixing a computer, defrosting the freezer and organizing old tax papers and receipts). and when i get up i'll cook in a shiny, clean kitchen for the first time in weeks! i'm so excited.


Andre Coquerel said...

I love your blog! I read the old posts and enjoyed them as well.
I live in Georgia and I have been in the DR with my wife about 11 times between 2006 and 2007. Now I miss it, and enjoyed reading your posts.

Becca said...

What a great blog. I am so jealous that you have a cleaning lady and that she was free.


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