Friday, February 24, 2012

santo domingo

if you've been following the past few weeks, you'll know that i'm on the path to acquiring my dominican citizenship, making me a dual citizen just like my kids. it's not a complicated process, but there are some trips to the capital involved.

the capital is not my favorite place in the country. it might not even make it to the top of my fifty favorite places in the world,  but it's where things move here and i can't avoid it. besides, a good friend of mine lives there and she makes it an excellent place to visit. (who doesn't love visiting old friends?)

since i was going to have to run back and forth a few times, i tried to piggyback some other things that i needed to do (like a trip to ikea. need.) and a visit to some of my husband's family. when my friend kate from college emailed me and said she'd be on the island, could we meet up somehow? i was thrilled.

i love visitors.

i especially love catching up with old friends who come to visit (hint).

she was at a resort pretty far from us, but i needed to go to the capital (and i would have met her there even if i didn't) and i figured why not get it done all at once. so, she and her husband went with amely and i to the police station to turn in my paperwork and then we headed downtown to the zona colonial. i never carry a camera, but the blackberry did a decent job (thank you daniel, again, for my lovely phone!)
beautiful arches in the first cathedral in the new world!

chapel #3 - someone is buried in there, don't ask me who.

creepy little cherubim above the door. creepy.

those cherubim are creepy, but not nearly as creepy as these little boy statues lining the building asking for donations for seminary. CREEPY

jonathan standing next to some cannons.

pirates in the carribean (ha! i know, not funny. but i had to)

if you look closely you'll notice that he glasses are on upside down.

view of ozama river from the top of the fort.

looking toward the city from ozama fort.

amely doesn't warm up to people a lot. but she loved her some jonathan.

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