Monday, December 12, 2011

a good old fashioned presidente party

i'm not a big drinker - quiza a glass of wine now and then, or a frias shared with friends and i'm my grandmothers' offspring, because i like hi-balls - but drinking was so college and i think i'm a little too old for so much of that anymore.

however, (and i swear this is the last post about my mountain hike!) after that long walk up the mountain and long walk back down, the "kids" decided it was time for a presidente party. where thy got the energy from, i've got no idea - but they turned on the radio and danced the bus-ride away: bachata, merengue and reggaeton. throw in a few jumbos of presidente beer and it was poppin'.

i love that every thing can be turned into a celebration. and alcohol is not necessary for fun in these parts - just a radio with loud music for dancing and, usually, food to go along with it. even funerals can get a little spicy once the music starts pumping.


Unknown said...

I'd say you deserved it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!... me gusta tu blog