Tuesday, June 3, 2008


i'm kinda sick of reading other people's blogs. i'm going on vacation.

i read some random blogs, people i don't know. you know when i can't sleep at night because i'm worried about how clean the house is and if i'm stimulating samil's little brain enough or is my work consuming my life and not leaving time for my family? so, i read. blogs.

of supermoms.

you know the moms who work full time, have perfect hair, perfect makeup and thighs that only ever conversed during pregnancy? the ones who despite having three kids, not only manage to get their kids to soccer practice - on time - but have cut up orange slices for the team? whose houses look like magazine spreads and they don't even have a maid?

yah. them.

its no wonder i can't sleep.


simplicity said...

Hey this is unrelated but what do you think of the Friday night knitting club? I received it as a gift and haven't dug in yet. But it's on my summer reading list.

And supermoms bug me too. I think some people try to "appear" perfect. I'm all about the less than perfect parenting approach. Doing what works for us, one day at a time :)

simplicity said...

Thanks for filling me in on the Friday Night Knitting Club. I'm hoping to dive in soon, especially after that rave review!