Wednesday, May 7, 2008


samil's been having some crazy nights lately. his top top popped through about 2 weeks ago, but since he's been waking up two or three times a night. i try to let him cry it out, but we have to be considerate to the neighbors, too. the last thing i need is neighbors yelling at me because they didn't sleep.
especially because i'm kind of mean about other people letting their babies cry and cry and cry.
anyway. along with his crazy waking up patterns, he's got a new favorite sleeping position that makes me laugh. he's crazy to get out of the crib and loves climbing on the bumpers - unfortunatley we can take the bumpers off because of the crazy new sleeping position. he got his little legs stuck in between the bars on more than one occasion when we took the bumper off.
we're going to have to figure something out though, becuase in his fighting of the nap today, he got himself stuck between the bumper and bars. silly boy.

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